Well, I digress, so let's get to the goods, shall we? This week was one of utter insanity when it came to my business, but my food and fitness were 100% on target. I even managed to make it through a killer wine craving. Man..there are some things you just cannot replace. Haha!
FOOD: Oh the wonderful, glorious, amazing food I am eating. Let's start with my life altering moment earlier on this week.
I revisited a vegetable I have despised since childhood. BEETS. It was on my radar to try in another form other than pickled and I did it!! WHOOP!! I freaking LOVE them. I feel rather like I was missing out on something amazing for the last 40 years, which is a bit sad. I am now going to be experimenting in many ways on adding them to my menu. Angels sang and more kittens were born after this I swear!
Pureed Caulifower....OMG, so deelish. I could hoover the entire pot! |
I tried roasting squash this week in my crockpot. Again, more kittens & angels. :-)![]() |
I am still carb cycling so you can bet your hiney I enjoyed every minute of my high carb day. For the most part I am 100% satisfied with what I eat but the days I seem to work harder in the gym, I am hangrier than usual.
Of course what week would be complete without caffeine & Shakeology? Yep...my vices. Hey, I don't drink wine OR do drugs. I think my choices are good!
FITNESS: This week was fabu in so many ways. I upped my weights, I feel stronger and WOOHOO, I am now working out in the brand new gym that is opening soon here in town. I got to be the first person to use the facility and I am there now every day. I am going to be teaching PiYo classes there after they open so, I kind of have a bit of an advantage with the awesome owner who is letting me train. Just like Christmas!!
Yesterday I started a brand new regime for the month of November...more pyramids, which get add ons as well each week. It looks interesting for sure. My trainer has been doing an exceptional job of keeping things fresh and exciting! I plan on killing these work outs. I GOT GOALS, baby!
I also had a meeting this week with a lovely lady who is going to be giving me posing lessons. *Insert Twilight Zone Music* This scares the bejesus outta me, but I am up for the challenge so stay tuned for updates on that.
BUSINESS: It was an insanely busy week, work wise. My team had a major growth spurt which is so exciting to me! I am doing my best to be a strong leader and teach them all the things I have learned since becoming a coach. With that comes new trainings, plenty of motivational talks, team calls, and one of the most important factors, Personal Development. I am trying hard to finish off this book this week because I have an exciting new one in the wings that I believe has my name written all over it. :-)
Since this week was Halloween, my entire team dressed up for our weekly call. We are TOTALLY fun like that. I love their spirit! And hey, any excuse to be Wonder Woman, right?
Tell me, does your life fire you up? Do you set new goals for yourself every week, every month, etc? Do you need to have something to strive for in your fitness, your business, your personal life? I would love you to share with me if you do. Leave a comment below and tell me what something is that you are working towards right now.
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