Monday, 24 October 2016

Book Club BEGINS & Maiden Voyage Read Revealed!

I know a lot of you have been anxiously awaiting the announcement of this bookclub and the first reading selection so I am happy to be bringing you GOOD news!  My Virtual Book Club, The Spine Crack, is starting on November 6th with a wonderfully and raw & inspiring book, LOVE WARRIOR by Glennon Doyle Melton.  

You can get more details on the book here: The Love Warrior

To be part of my PRIVATE Facebook group where we will discuss the book over 4 weeks, simply request to join here: THE SPINE CRACK and I will approve you!

Here’s the schedule of what we’re reading and when:
WEEK 1: NOV 6th - NOV 12th (CH 1- CH 3)
WEEK 2: NOV 13th - Nov 19th (CH 4 - CH 7)
WEEK 3: NOV 20th - NOV 26th (CH 8 - CH 11)
WEEK 4: NOV 27th - DEC 3rd (CH 12 - CH 15) 
I am SO excited to meet you all and get started!

Wendy XO
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